Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hey Cubs...It's September...Wake Up!
Cubs drop eight of their last nine in pathetic fashion

It's been a hundred years since the Cubs last won a World Series. Many say the 2008 squad is the best ever and should bring home the crown. I believe this is their best team ever and best opportunity to end the hundred years of misery. However, the hot and cold spells that continue to shake the team need to stop immediately.

I can't remember a season in which a team stacked from top to bottom with the power and hitting savvy like the Cubs can struggle to put runs on the board in such spurts. In the past ten games, the Cubs have scored only 37 runs. If you take away one game in which they scored 14, during that stretch they've scored 23 runs in nine games, which comes out to 2.5 runs per contest. They've also been shutout twice and have a team era in the month of September in the high sixes. There is no rhyme or reason as to how or why the Cubs can't seem to score.

So far this season, it seems when Soriano, Lee, Ramirez, DeRosa, or Soto go in slumps, they do it at the same time. I can't recall a year in which the top five producing players in a line-up continue to go ice cold in unison. Granted, D Lee has been in a slump basically since the All-Star break, while the rest of the bunch can vanish like a fart in the wind.

However, with all the mediocrity going on the offensive side of the ball, it may be the "diaper duo" also known as Carlos Zambrano and Rich Harden that bring the most frustration to Cubs' Nation. Big Z has become the "Big Baby" this year, while Harden is simply living up to his reputation. We all knew what we were getting when the trade with Oakland was completed. When Harden has pitched, he's been filthy and spectacular. Recently, when Big Z pitches you'd rather have Jason Marquis or Sean Marshall out there. Zambrano has been getting lit up like a Christmas tree since the end of July.

In my opinion, the Cubs seem doomed for failure because of their hot and cold offensive spurts and the training wheels that goes with our main starting pitchers (Dempster is the best). The best part of it all is that may be, just may be, the Cubs will get hot again and steam roll into October. That is if they wake up in September.

In the meantime, let's root for anyone playing the Brewers, Cardinals, Phillies, and Astros (where did they come from). And hopefully come October, we'll be singing "Go Cubs Go" and partying in Wrigleyville.